05 Jun 00
 in the
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    Yesterday went nicely. I spent much of it at the meetinghouse. That's another, more pc word for the church I go to. There was yet another wonderful moving service, followed by the Annual Meeting, at which members hear the reports for the last year and take votes on things like board members and bylaws and budgets. I'm too new a member to be qualified to vote, but I wanted to see how things are done and get a better feel for the names, faces, and personalities of my fellow congregants. The meeting could easily have been boring, but it was not. There was some joking, a little debate (though not very much - no big controversies this year, I hear) and some gift giving for outgoing members of leadership. Afterward was a light luncheon, and then I hung out with a friend the rest of the afternoon.
     I guess if I am going to be talking about this friend, and I won't in any depth because I haven't discussed my journal much and have not yet asked his permission to write about him, he needs a pseudonym. In light of Snoops' renaming to Rebar, it seemed a good idea to wait and know the person a bit more before bestowing a name. My first inclination is to call him Arty, becasue of the impressive stash of art he's got. Well, maybe that will do.
    Speaking of people mentioned here, Elizabeth Lynne is in a relationship! Never expected that to happen, ok not for awhile anyway. I rather got used to EL being a kinda hard and bitter yet fun person. It's very hard to imagine EL as half of a couple. In fact, it's kinda creepy. The Significant Other seems very nice, though, and a nurturing soul. Hey, it could work.  
