08 Jun 02


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Human Chow

Napalm once told me that he wishes there were such a thing as Human Chow. He's not the only geek to have mentioned such a thing - if you run a Google search on Human Chow, you'll see all kinds of references, including some clues that lead to Dilberitos. But most of the search results will be the longing sighs of geeks who don't want to fool with all this cooking and nutrition baloney. They're too busy coding.

I did find a suggestion that primate feed may be the way to go. Don't some of these look oh so yummy? Heh. Well, we are primates, after all.

More in the vein of "things that make you go 'eeeeeeewwwwww'" is this recipe for Bourguignonne of the Baskervilles. Gak.

One John F. Davis claims we have had Purina Human Chow already, a.k.a. Double Chex. Thing is, Double Chex doesn't seem to be available anymore. Anyway, I've been saying all along that with all its vitamins and minerals and other fortifications, breakfast cereal is the closest to Human Chow we are likely to get.

Hey! Chex isn't a Ralston-Purina thing anymore! Damn those sneaky corporations. Who owns who? I dunno.

Think I'll go have some People Chow and veg for awhile.

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