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Fly Me to Copenhagen Contest

Announcing the first ever springdew.com "connected" contest. Actually it's the second ever - the first ever was that thing with the boat not too long ago, which Marcus and Cookoff Girl won. Oops.

Ok so this is a whole new game, and it's hard. I've been working on it all day, and I can't manage to break the win barrier. Here's the rules:

Find me a round trip flight to Copenhagen (airport code of CPH) from any of these airports: Ft. Lauderdale (FLL), Orlando (ORL), West Palm Beach (WPB), or Miami (MIA). Departure date can be either the 1st or 2nd of August 2002. Return date must be either the 10th, 11th, or 12th of August, 2002. (I'd prefer the 2nd and the 10th, since I actually have these days off and don't have to make special arrangements. Like begging, for instance.) The tricky bit is the win barrier. It's gotta be below $800. Not more than 2 (two) layovers, please. Can you do it?

Of course, if you actually pay for the tickets, you get major bonus points, dude. In fact, you pretty much totally guarantee a win. *wink* The funds that a certain someone has been putting away for this can go toward a honeymoon instead. Hey, how about that!

The reason for the travel is that the Swedish authorities have come through on the marriage license for Wlofie and me. We're a go! Woo hoo!

Just like in the other poorly-thought-out contest, the prize is yet to be determined. Yeah, I know. Who's gonna strain themselves when they don't even know what the prize is? I don't blame ya.

That's why I am gonna speak to a travel agent next week. But hey, if you come up with an answer before the travel agent does, you still win. Sometimes it takes them a few days. C'mon, what have you got to lose?

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