13 Jul 02


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Doctype Stuff

I followed the link from Napalm's journal on over to the Dive Into Mark thing on accessibility, and the first thing that hit me is that I don't use a doctype.

Now before you completely roast me over an open pit, let me point out that I learned HTML back in the dark days when I started with Geocities in '96. Sure, I've learned a lot more stuff since then, and keep on learning every day. But I feel kinda stupid to have been making my living building webpages and never having learned about doctypes.

So anyway, this entry is a doctype test. There will be three of these. My little scripty thingie will be set to NOT notify anybody in the list about it. Please pardon my dust. Yes, I know it's a pain that I test live, but that's the way I like it, baby.

This one uses:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">

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